Julie and I were on a bike ride with our grandson this June just west of Jackson, Michigan on the Falling Waters Trail. We had a wonderful time, biking, stopping for breakfast, enjoying the murals in Jackson, and playing on the playground with the love of our life!
Along the bike path, we saw this snapping turtle! It seemed to be so still. Of course, we had to stop so our grandson could have a better look. Upon closer inspection, we could see that this momma was creating a home to lay her eggs. She is one tough turtle! She left the comforts of the swamp, climbed a steep embankment, digs in soil that is hard like concrete, and endures the dangers of bike and foot travelers to ensure the safety of her children.

Are we not the same when it comes to preparing a home for our family? We sacrifice and leave something comfortable, do hard things, take risks to prepare and have a home that will protect and serve our children and ourselves. In the world of real estate it can be tough, an emotional rollercoaster, as well as financially and physically risky, but you don’t have to do it by yourself!
Julie and I help people every step of the way finding, purchasing, and selling their homes. We have an extensive team and tools to help when needed; inspectors, contractors, lawyers, phone applications, agreements, market information, advertising expertise, photographers, as well as a mountain of experience. Thankfully, you don’t have to live like a turtle, there is a better way!